ACES Technical Charter School

School Overview
ACES Technical Charter School (ACES Tech) has the goal of producing the STEM science, engineering, and healthcare leaders of tomorrow. We engage students with our standards aligned and research based academic program, project-based learning, and mentoring through our partnerships with local professionals and businesses. High school students have the opportunity to participate in dual credit college courses and pursue internships and apprenticeship preparation programs. To achieve our mission, ACES Tech staff uses data to inform our decisions and we are responsive to the personal and educational needs of all students.
Innovative Aspects of ACES Tech
The ACES Tech team identified five innovative features for our school. These are major initiatives and processes that we implement to ensure that ACES Tech provides the broad range of supports necessary for all students to succeed.
English Language Arts
Fine Arts
Global Languages
Health and Physical Education
College and Career Readiness